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Minggu, 28 November 2010
Jack-Wonderfull night by ~Leogrando on deviantART
Ini cerita iseng saya......
ProJect Blank
Nickname: Haseo
Born: Unknown
Education: Harvard University
Work: Leogrando Lab Manila Branch
Home: Downtown apartement
Status: Single
Hair :spiky Red
Eye: Red
Like: Unknown
Dislike: Unknown
Power: Unknown
Blank Page 1 : Angel of Night
"It's so lonely here.. I'm alone.. Do you want to be my friend?" Unknown Girl
*alarm clock ring and haseo awake…*
"Damn.. that dream again… what with that girl….?"Haseo
"SHOOT!! I'm Late!!!" Haseo
*rushing out change cloth and eat breakfast and run to work*
*at the bus station*
"Come on! What took that bus so long!!" Haseo
Haseo look at his watch, but the time stop. Everybody is frozen he is the only one, who move. He look across the street and there is that girl, waving and smile at Haseo. Than the time start counting and the bus arrive and block the view. When he looks across the street no one is there.
Haseo gone to the bus and went to work. At this unusual day haseo got a night shift to secure the Lab. To buy a new Wacom, he expands his work shift and extra part-time work. Haseo is sleeping in the chair.
"Aniki! Let's play!!!"Unknown girl
"ANIKI!!! You're so slow!!!" Unknown girl
"ANIKI!!! That tickles!!" Unknown girl
"ANIKI!!! SAVE ME!!!!" Unknown girl
Haseo woke up from his dream, and asking himself "who is that little girl?". He stood up and walk to the door. When he walk, the same thing happen again the time stop. Then he looks behind him, and there she is on the corner of the wall.
"Let's play ANIKI!!!" the unknown girl say while running around at the room..
"Wait! Who are you!?" haseo asked
"I will tell youif you found me!!" the unknown girl answer while walking through the wall
"What the hell?" Haseo said
The time start again and he walk towards the wall, where she disappear. he grope the wall, after that he found a hidden button. When he push it the wall start to open. And a very bright light is coming from the hole of the wall. Haseo walk into the hole and he found a beautiful girl floating in the air, nake and with wings. And he look the same like the girl in his dream, but older.
"I'm Raina your sister…" said the unknown girl
"no way That's Impossible!! The police record that I don't have any sister!!"Haseo Yell
"aniki…what happen to you…. You usually want to play with me…."Raina answer
"Go AWAY!!!! I don't remember you!!!"Haseo yelled
"than let me fix you….."raina answer
Raina walked towards haseo and haseo walk backward. Haseowalk backward until the wall hit him, he tries to run away. But, raina is coming closer and closer than haseo give up and lay on the ground. Raina putted her hands on his chest and head, then she sings a song that make haseo fall to sleep.
At his dream, haseo were floating underwater only wearing his jeans. And he lookaround but there is nothing like an empty white underwater room. Then suddenly chain start to show up and chaining his legs and hand to the ground. Than Raina showed up, and touching his head.
"big brother you have lost a lot of things…"
"what are you going to do……?"
"ah… I see he kept 'that'on you…"
"Whose 'he' and what is 'that'?!"
"Than, for your safety I will give you this power and Sealed it…even it cost my life…."
"wait… what are you doing??!!!"
Raina Shine and turn into a small light. Than she enters haseo chest, and it make him scream very hard. Than tattoo on his chest and shoulders show up And his brain is very hurt. After, all the pain is gone. Haseo has a new tattoo and a pair of wings in his back. Then, the room start to be came black and raina showed up touching his face.
"aniki… you're fixed and sealed.. and I must go… Thank you to bemy last friend…."
Raina kiss haseo in his forehead and she disappear. and everything start to fade…
BLANK page 2: Burst of Locked Memory
"aniki!! Let's Play!!!"
"sure, Raina what do you want to do?"
"Let's play soccer!!!"
"last one reach the green field must massage the winners feet!!!"
"Hey That's Not Fair!!!"
They run and run towards a huge green field. It filled with grass and a huge tree at the top of the hills. A small wind blow crossing their body. And they arrive to the green field with the winner is Raina. They lay on the grown for awhile looking at the sky. They laugh, joke, smile and tickle each other, they do everything together.
But they never do anything with their dad. Their parents had a divorce at the night where Raina born. The shocks of the divorce make their mother blood pressure raise high. Then, she , blew her last breath. At the Funeral it rains very hard, but their father never came. They live alone in a small island. With a house that have been given by their father. Their father never visits them. Only his assistant came to their house to talk about money, needs and school.
Haseo already graduate at a University, and raina still at high school. They don't have any friends. Even thought their happy they are very lonely. Raina at night usually play her violin, playing their mother music. While Haseo looking at his mother picture and written a letter to his mother.
They play soccer together. Raina is the kicker, and Haseo is the Kipper. They play very hard, make them sweat and smelly. Raina is a very quick runner, but his brother is more faster and his prediction of the ball is very accurate, and he is to powerful. At Raina Last kick, she kick it very hard. But his brother still dodged it. Then, haseo scream "I WON!!!" with big laugh. And raina is smiling to his brother.
But all that laughter is going to end. That big laugh suddenly closed and fall,when someone shoot haseo with a gun. And that beautiful smile has gone, when she is stung by a stun gun. Haseo look at his sister and sheis taken away by someone in suits. And than someone has grabbed his hair and pull it to the air. Then he is given a pill than everything is fading. In the field there is only a ball and blood.
When, haseo awake he found him self naked, siting on a chair with both of his hands and feets tied. Than a girl show up. Without anything, he started to whip haseo. She whip him many times make bruises. scorpions start to show up around the corner of the place. The chair fall down. And than from the back a huge guy hit him with a very hot metal that burn his skin. The hit make him flew up to the air. Than he was punched many times .and the last thing his head was drown and raised from and to water repeatedly. And when he look up there is a man sitting in his chair, smoking and drinking, and enjoying the view.
Then, the wall start to rais and infront of him he saw his sister drowned at a huge fish tank. The mad brother cannot control his emotion. He start to run towards his beloved sister. Bt, the chain that tying his hand and feet was pulled by the big guy. Haseo is so angry, he even tried to punch the big guy but there is no effect. He even got flew to theair by one of his punches.
Haseo laying on the ground looking at the ceiling. And he smile and he start to laugh. He raised up with covering his left eye. When, he uncover it, it change color to deep black eye with the white part turn into red. He started to run towards the big guy and punch him. This punch was so effective that make him flew to the air and when he flew haseo grab allheated metal and stab him at his chest, head, hands, and legs to the ceiling. Then haseo back to the ground and when the big guy falling to the grown. From his hand flame start to showed up, and burn the bigguy and turn him to ashes.
Haseo look at the girl with his sharp killing eye. The shocked girl ran to the other side of the room. But, haseo is to fast he even already in front of her. With the chain on his hands. He churned the chain to his and pull it very hard. Made her head disconnect from the body. Than he start toeat her delicious fresh bloody body. And after he eat it. Than hundred of sniper shoot morfin at him. But he couldn't stop. He start to kill the snipper one by one. But the morfin shoot keep going, till the 1.000 shoot. He fall down, everything is fading and his memory is erased.
Until today, he never knew who is he. But after this flashback he knew who is he really are. Than he wake up at a very comfy bed, in a very minimalist, fully furniture and spacious bedroom. With a tux on the table match his size. Than he go too bath and use that outfit. When he is trying to use the shirt he was flirted by the graceful wind from the balcony. And when he go to the balcony. He realized that this isn't Tokyo this is somewhere else and the door started to open.
Mohon Maaf bila ada salah-salah kata...
i'm sorry if there is something wrong with the story...
You can see more at Leogrando@Deviantart
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